First SACD to Listen To?

Despite having been an early adopter of CD's (I still have my Magnavox 650 in storage), I have never listened to an SACD. (I have listened to DVD-A's and was very impressed, but we know what happened to that format.)

My CEC TL-1x/Dodson 218 combo does not play SACD, but I have an Oppo 980h which I understand does. If I were to buy one SACD to get a sense of how that format sounds, which would you recommend? I generally listen to folk rock, some jazz, some classical.


Ag insider logo xs@2xnglazer
Two great options with either Beck's "Sea Change" or The "Blue Country Heart" by Jorma. If you don't have the cd versions of these, get them as they are both great albums. If you have them already then you can do a direct comparison which will be useful.
The problem you have as I see it is the Oppo. I have the same player and am not impressed with it's audio performance. I recently moved it into the living room where it does video duties only.
since recording quality varies, it is possible that a purchase of say, 50 sacd discs will reveal a variation in sound quality that a sample of one will not provide.

i advise borrowing as many sacd discs as you can and not buying any, until you are confident in the direction you want to go.

listening to one is insufficient. i would not make a determination based upon such a small sample.
I'm tooooootally with Lokie. I listen to everything and Beck's "Sea Change" will blow you mind even if you can't hear above 16k as long as the speakers you have can produce 20k+
Thanks all. I do have both Dark Side of the Moon and Beck's Sea Change on CD and they might be the ones to try on SACD to hear a fair comparison. I recognize the Oppo may not be the best SACD player, but it will have to do for now.
