Weiss Minerva Dac


I wanted to know if anyone over here has got the Minerva dac from Weiss. What is the sound like? also can one up-sample to 192KHz and stream it to the DAC?

Best Regards,

Satyam Bachani.
Jwm: Add Playback Designs MPS-5 or MPD-5 to the list of those that will do true 24/192.

Jonathan Tinn
Blue Light Audio
Hi Jonathan,

Will the MPD-5 lock @192KHz on the USB Interface/Input with my computer?

Best Regards,

Satyam Bachani.
Hi Drubin,

Going forward or even right now with various options available to UP-SAMPLE to 192KHz makes a difference on SQ and eventually when one has a wider collection of software for Hi-Rez PCM it would be essential to have it available on DAC's.

I don't know if this would be the norm or not but one thing is for sure it betters SACD without a iota of doubt, i.e. HRx Reference Recordings and others like it! (PCM).

Best Regards,

Satyam Bachani.
this is all a bit confusing...

aren't AES/EBU, SPDIF Coax, & Toslink cables limited to 24bit 96kHz bandwidth, & USB 2.0 cables limited to 24bit 48kHz bandwidth?

how does one feed raw 24bit 176kHz (&/or 196kHz) data into these DACs with just a single cable?
also, isn't it redundant to talk abt 48kHz, 96kHz, or 192kHz sample rates when these are typically associated with digital audio tapes (as opposed to audio CDs which typically utilize 44kHz, 88kHz,or 176kHz sample rates)??