Weiss Minerva Dac


I wanted to know if anyone over here has got the Minerva dac from Weiss. What is the sound like? also can one up-sample to 192KHz and stream it to the DAC?

Best Regards,

Satyam Bachani.
Sir [Luvwine],
We have the same CD Player.
Mine is Black - Serial # 08306PV6044 - Black.
This is a superb CD Player. Great VFM !!!

Your question is valid & I do not have an answer for it.
My 'technical provice' is rather limited; so I too ask for forgivness - in the event of some misrepresentation, however, from what ever little I know, 24/96 can go on SPDIF / AES-EBU.
However, 24/192 needs 2 cables.
This is done in Chord [Blu + 64]
Teac Esoteric - P3 + D3 & P0 + D0 etc.
dSC Scarlatti
etc. etc.

USB can do 24/96. Again 24/192 is not possible.
Except for Firewire nothing I know that can transmit 24/192.
Can your Oppo DVD give a 24/192 output ?
24/92 - yes I can accept, but 24/192. I do not know....


Cary Audio CD 306 SACD Professional [Serial # 08306PV6044 - Black]
Meridian 808i.2 Signature Reference CD Player [Serial # 808-200379]
Bow Technologies ZZ Eight - 2008 Version - V8 [Serial # 1528] - Signature [BT]
Weiss Minerva - 1394 Firewire DAC - Black [Serial # 1118]
hi Luvwine, i'm equally confused abt this... maybe someone could shed some light on this?!
All I know is what the display on the machines say. However, a friend (who brought is Oppo over to test out the Cary) says he uses a Sound Devices 722 Recorder: http://www.sounddevices.com/products/722.htm
This recorder has 24/192 capability and only has one aes/ebu and only one spdif in and out and it has no trouble handling 24/192. The Cary shows 192hz on the display when fed the 192hz signal from the Oppo. When I talked to my friend, he volunteered to call Benchmark (Benchmark Dac folks) as he knows them well. What my friend says he was told is that initially two cables were used to transmit the high bitrate signals. Subsequently, and for the last 5 years or so, digital cables, such as SPDIF have been found to be fully capable of handling 24/192 signals and thus it is no longer necessary to use two cables for high bitrate digital signals up to 24/192. My friend called using two cables to transmit high bitrate "old technology". I don't know any of this information personally, and this is obviously hearsay, but my friend does a great deal of recording and has a great interest in high bitrate digital recording. I guess I have answered my own query and hope that this helps.
Hi Luvwine,

A simple test if possible would be to connect a computer with a sound card capable of 24/192 connected to your cary's digital in and stream music via foobar or equivalent @ 192K and see if plays!

If it does then yes it works!!

Until then I will dig out some white papers on SPDIF and see it does allow it!


Satyam Bachani.
I have no such equipment so I cannot conduct the test. Am happy to learn what you find out, however. I do not claim to be an authority and am only reporting what I have observed and what I am told. Thanks.