I am wondering if anyone got this here in NOrth america? I can't find any discussion about this new product. Anyhow, any thoughts on the overall sound about their USB async transfer by dCS? I really want this but as I search from my local arcam dealer they don't have it YET..

Thank you

I have one. I sourced it from the UK; I don't know if it's available in the US yet. The wall wart is universal, so I think we'll get the same unit here in the US when it does arrive.

I got it in anticipation of a Red Wine Audio-based setup, but right now have it feeding an April Aura Note via the Note's AUX input, into Omega single-driver speakers. The Note has its own USB input, and I've also messed around with driving it with a NuForce uDAC and a Centrance DACport. The rDAC is better than any of them. Most noticeable to me is a large, really well-defined soundstage and a really crisp presentation. I'm not noticing any particular coloration, it just sounds really good.

Talking with others who have more experience than I do, it seems that you need to get up to, say, the PS Audio DL 3 level to do better than the DACport, and the rDAC is better, so I think it's in that neigbhorhood anyway.

I got it because it's small and well-specced - good components and asynchronous USB, at a relatively low price. I'm very happy with it.

Hope that helps.
Sorry - also, feeding the rDAC via USB from a PC, so the above is all with respect to the USB input.
I have had my rDac for 2 weeks now and have 50 hrs on it.
I use it soley USB from various computer set up's (Mac/W7/Linux) all running 4Gb Ram and SSD's and lossless files of varying descriptions.

I like this dac. It has an ease via usb that I have not experienced before. Bass is tight and controlled. Highs are extended. It is hyper detailed. Accurate. Overall very impressive kit. You see deep into a recording. Is best with simple music. Falls apart a little on orchestral. But hey - what does one expect for $400 or so.

It improves with burn in. Or my ears get used to it the more I listen. One or the other.

I would be interested to hear it against the QB9.

Thanks for the reviews guys. Have either or you heard a current Aracm CDP? Any insight on how it compares?
Also, Arcam has been it bit polite in the highs in the past. Has this changed with the rDAC?