Vibration Theory - Isolate or Drain?

Given that a CD Player or Transport has quite a bit of internally generated energy from the motor, is it best ti deal with vibration issues by coupling the player to a surface with spikes or cones? or decouple the player from the surface beneath it with spongy materials? Any consensus on the best approach here?
I'm not referring to damping the capacitor, I'm referring to isolating the component from structureborne vibration. So I suppose one could say your argument is a bit of a strawman, if you know what I mean.

Furthermore, most of the energy in the component is actually generated by the structureborne vibration, you know, the seismic kind, not by the component itself. Not even by airborne vibration. So I guess we'll have to agree to disagee.
emplying devices under or on top of a component, is a form of tuning, like a tone control. since no stereo system is perfect, hard or soft objects will affect the frequency response. i would conjecture that the choice to absorb or drain is subject to personal taste.

i prefer soft objects, because i find that usuually, hard materials, "harden" the sound.
The measurement of discombobulation when using a complex collaborator to discombobulate vibration complications is ludicrous when signalling metros anomalies.