CD isolation platfroms

I'm considering an isolation platform for my Ayre C-5 XEmp. I recognize that my current equipment stand, the Salamander Designs S30, is far inferior to the more elborate equipment stands availabe but it compliments my Mac electronics quite nicely. The Ensemble Zobro isolation platform is at the top of my list but I'm looking for other suggestions/alternatives. Thanks in advance.
Check out (google) Moon Zero Gravity Magnetic Levitation Shelf. The shelf is suspended in mid air using 2 shelves with guide pins and magnets opposing each other. I think it's hogwash, being 500.00 but maybe you could make your own. Happy listening.
Stillpoints have been very helpful in my electronics isolation, I keep trying to remove them so I can sell them to pay for all my upgrades but things don't sound the same without them. Even my Audience Adept Ar6 benefits which I did not expect. Another option is Silent running audio, I have been happy with the custom TT base they designed and built for me.
I had tremendous improvement in clarity and focus by putting a First Impression Music (FIM) isolation platform (2 pieces with ball bearings in between)under a Theta Jade CD transport. Very big difference! There is one available on Audiogon right now (no affiliation).
I've found the Townsend seismic sink, either in it's new form with springs, or the older ones with an air bladder, to be more effective than anything else I have tried.
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