Best Transport for Tidal

I am currently running Tidal via the Sonus Connect. Using a
co-ax to my Ma5200 Amp. Is there a better transport I can
use to get the best quality out of Tidal, or is this the
maximum I can get out of Tidal.
Ma5200 with On board Dac
Sonus Faber Olympica II
Emotiva Speaker and Co-AX Cables
Sonos Connect
Would there be much difference between Sonos, Bluesound, or Ipad, for Tidal use only, if runnung through DAC on Aesthetix Romulus? Thanks
did you also notice a difference in the sound quality connecting Usb vs CoAx or optical
Beshair...I never tried the USB, but I did compare the coax and optical outputs of the Sonos Connect. I found the coax to be much better sounding. I tried several different optical cables, but really didn't like it.
My only experience is Tidal on Auralic Aries to DAC. Just be careful because the Aries requires an Ipad (not Iphone yet) or Andriod device to run (anything, including Tidal). There is no computer interface.

In my experience the Aries has been very good. However I can only compare the playback of CD through the same DAC via a Musical Fidelity A5 acting as transport to the Aries and it is comparable. So close that I wouldn't venture into stating a difference. Whether your Sonos would compare I do not know.
Did you test the auralic aries using tidal using 24 bits as the sonos is a 20bit resolution.

Auralic recommends usb connection which the sonos does not even have one.