
Hey all,Im getting back into the FM thing since I was given a Adcom GFT-1A
The antenna is a $15 Radio Shack cat.# 15-1843 it is about 4"x4" and 1/2" thick.It seems to pull in stations really good and lights up the signal strength meter on the tuner to 5 out of 5.
I love the sound of this tuner and it's my first adventure with good FM.I can't believe how transparent,warm and smooth this thing sounds.My only complaint is the drums(rock music/metal) coming through with lack of slam.The drums seem like they are far away,distant like.If I crank the volume that helps some but they still just don't have the slam Im use to with vinyl and CD.
1) whats up with that?
2) WHY does FM sound so DAMN good??
3) Whats a KILLER tuner (used) for <$1K?
David, I had a Yamaha T-2, which had much better bass than my Mcintosh MR71. The T-2 is a good rock tuner. Around $350 for a good one on ebay.

In my experience many mid priced tuners are better than most people think. The reason is cables. In most systems I've seen, including the AudiogoN virtual listings, a lot of folks don't take FM seriously, so they don't use a high end interconnect cable, just a budget one at best; or the tuner gets the left-overs and no effort is made to find a good match.

I find cables selection with tuners just as finicky as CD players. In one system I am using a classic digital tuner that had a MSRP of $420 in 1986 dollars (I paid $35). I have tried many cables, and with the (used) Siltech ST-18G3 I am now using, it comes close to CD quality. It is a 5 gang tuner, so it also brings in the stations as well as many costing much more.

So before you dish out $1K to $2K++ for a tuner as your upgrade path, try your current one with better cables. You might be surprised.

Here's a vote for my Accuphase T-101 (circa late 70's). Tons o' bass- quite an audiophile tuner, actually...
I got unbelievable bass from a Fanfare tuner. Really nice bass, it stood out on my system. I still think I will buy a Yamaha T2 which sounded a little better in different ways (on someone else's system, hi Brian)

But if you want bass try the Fanfare.
best tuners..
Hands down the Marantz 10B quite a bargin right now at a depressed $ 1,500-2000.00 You simply cannot believe that the music is coming from thin air.

Next the Awesome Tandberg 3001a Great base great soundstage not warm like the 10B but also very musical.

AccuphaseT100 T106 $$$ T107.../Mac 78$$$ 71 67

Best tuners for the least $$$

Carver TX 11a
Luxman T110
Pioneer TX-9100
Tandberg 3011a
Dynaco fm 5?
H.H. Scott and Fisher tube tuners

Please invest in a good outdoor antenna, inside I like the magnum dynalab whip SG-1 ?