battling the pops and clicks

I recently put together an vinyl rig (Nottingham Horizon w/Dynavector 10x5 and Whest phono stage) I am really liking the sound, and I see what all the talk is about for sure. This setup really gives my Ayre D1xe digital setup a run for the money, and if it weren't for the pops and clicks I think I would certainly prefer the sound overall. This is saying a lot considering the price gap between my digital and analog setup.

I have the VPI 16.5 and disc doctor brushes and cleaning fluids and have spent some time and effort to fully clean my records in an effort to eliminate all noise. I bought quite a few new 180 gram records so I would have a good idea of what sound vinyl has to offer. I also have plenty of dusty old records from years back, which is the real reason I wanted a turntable to begin with. As much as I work at cleaning the records, it seems no amount of work will eliminate the pops and clicks. The more I focus on trying to get rid of them the more it bugs me. It seems to happen just as much with the new records as the old ones.

What I'm wondering is, do I need a better table and cartridge if I expect to listen to records with total silence? Or what am I doing wrong with my current setup? I've followed the cleaning instructions very closely and even taken it a step further by adding additional rinsing cycles with distilled water. I've used stylus cleaner and of course always used the carbon fibre dry brush before playing, and clean sleeves too.

The cleaning has reduced the noise, pops and clicks greatly, but in my opinion, more is still there than I would consider acceptable. Is this something that you just learn to tune out from or is there a way to fix it completely?

thanks, -Ryan
If you're getting pops and clicks on your new vinyl as well, I think it might be static, not dirt. Do you live in a dry environment or have air conditioning? An inexpensive carbon fiber record brush like the Audioquest, Recotron, or Decca (they all look the same) is available from Music Direct, AA, Acoustic Sounds, etc.

They're very effective, but here's a little tip to improve their performance: with the record spinning on the TT, lick the tip of both index fingers. Touch one finger to the preamp cabinet or some other ground potential (like a metal TT shelf bolted into a masonry wall!) and the other touching the metal handle of the brush as you swipe the record. This will provide enough ground "drain" to get rid of the static. If you don't feel comfortable licking your fingers before each record (curious guests want to know!) then actually ground the brush to the ground lug on the back of the phono preamp or preamp, with a length of flexible wire or keychain.

There are usually a few pops and clicks on even the most pristine LPs, yet very few of the 3,000-odd records in my collection ever bother me in this regard. Obviously they bother you and will probably continue to do so until you (1) stop focusing on them or (2) return to CDs. To me, LPs sound so much better than digital media (including SACDs) that I listen to vinyl at least 75% of the time, and the better my system gets, the less I hear the pops and clicks. But this is an individual thing.

You may have a system (what are your components and speakers, by the way?) that emphasizes the frequencies where pops and clicks are most audible. You may have a "ruthlessly revealing" SS system of the kind that drives ME up the wall. But it doesn't sound like there's anything wrong with your record cleaning regimen. Good luck, Dave
I've not had any problems with surface noise on new 180 gram vinyl as long as it is kept clean. Keep in mind that if a record is played dirty a few times that it can be nearly impossible to get rid of the all of the noise because the stylus can push the micro-dust so far into the groove that it probably can't be removed. I have also heard that the friction of the stylus passing through the groove can cause the dust to 'fuse' to the interior of the groove. Sometimes noise such as pops and clicks can be reduced by using an ion blaster on the record, because they can be caused by static discharges. I have found that the one that Mapleshade sells works the best. Also, since the the surface noise is within the audio band, different equipment and cables can make the noise more or less noticable depending on whether or not they tend to bring forward or push back that particular frequency. Hope that this helps.

Mobile Fidelity originally wrote in there sleeve information that they didn't "dehorn" the cutter and as a result you often may get pops. These would disappear as you played the LP a few times and your needle wears down those edges. (In truth, I have no idea what "dehorn" means, but I understood the overall concept.) I've found this in a lot of the higher quality new LP's.

If the pops remain after a few plays it may be tiny bubbles in the vinyl.