ARTICLE -Teens say they prefe vinyl to CDs

The below is a link to a story about teen's musical preference. Cool to see that the young ones arent blinded by the ipod. (Im 23 so that last statement may be a bit hypocritical). Anyway, check out the article.
I think that the basic point of the abstract was that of compilation of self-reported behavior of an undisclosed (size/compositon) group of teenagers as a secondary finding in a larger body of research with no further analysis asside from author commentary. IMHO this does not look like a very good source if you are writting a research paper.

IMO most younger people that are into vinyl like the nostalgia, heard somewhere that it is actually better sound quality, and convince themselves that their $100 Sony TT is reproducing said better sound.

Rememeber that the average consumer will buy a bucket full of digital to go with their hi-definition speakers that have 1,000 watts. Self-reported behavior is notoriously inaccurate data. Couple this with the mountain of misconceptions that the average consumer has about,... well,... everything and you have a great big pile of compromise.

Now go drink a nice Rothschild (now that we all know that we like wine) and listen to source of choice (or watch one of the greatest movies of all time,... The J___... yes,... that one).
Is vinyl more popular with the youth in the E.U., vs. North America? Just wondering....
I'm all for anything that gets people to listen to music instead of sitting in front of the idiot box.
new vinyl pressings are down to 1500 to 2000 copies globally, with rare exception. stereophile recently proclaimed that 'more people are buying turntables today thaen anytime in the last decade'..........what they didn't say is that the growing unit numbers overall come from dj tables, and one box retro units (crosley,etc). ALL THE NEWS THAT FITS