Transfiguration Phoenix

Can anyone using this cartridge commenton Phoenix? Is it better than the older Temper versions?
Thanks John, you made me look! I think it's actually an internal impedance of 2 Ohms or less, with s/n 2400 or higher. Outer box stamped with an 'S'.
Jtimothya, isn't that what I said? Do you have one? How do you like it? I've been searching for one at a nice price, I just missed out on a dealer demo. :(
I had not heard of the 'S' designation and it was not used when I purchased. Read your note (saying, <2, less than 2) so not being aware of the 'S', I went to check mine. The included sheet read "Internal impedance 2 Ohms." No biggy - just posting for others who may have had my uncertainty. Only after looking did I see the 'S' on the box and handwritten s/n above 2400. Embarrassed to say its not mounted yet, waiting for a new tonearm. Wanted an Orpheus L, but those are gone. Bob Clarke (Profundo) described the new Phoenix (I believe it is the 3rd version) as kind of a sleeper, better than the 'L' - I trust his ears, so... Fwiw, I understand there is a new Transfiguration flagship model on the horizon.

I'm also behind on cleaning records.
Jtimothya, send it to me, I'll mount it for ya. ;)

I've been looking for a good deal on a Phoenix, can't seem to find one though. I just missed out on a dealer demo with less than 50 hours for $2200 last week. I won't hold my breath to wait for another one to come up. :(

Yes, the Proteus has replaced the Orpheus-L model, but Bob Clarke told me that he expects the new Phoenix-S to be in the line for another 2-3 years. It looks like the list price on the Proteus is going to be about $6250.