Transfiguration Phoenix

Can anyone using this cartridge commenton Phoenix? Is it better than the older Temper versions?
I had not heard of the 'S' designation and it was not used when I purchased. Read your note (saying, <2, less than 2) so not being aware of the 'S', I went to check mine. The included sheet read "Internal impedance 2 Ohms." No biggy - just posting for others who may have had my uncertainty. Only after looking did I see the 'S' on the box and handwritten s/n above 2400. Embarrassed to say its not mounted yet, waiting for a new tonearm. Wanted an Orpheus L, but those are gone. Bob Clarke (Profundo) described the new Phoenix (I believe it is the 3rd version) as kind of a sleeper, better than the 'L' - I trust his ears, so... Fwiw, I understand there is a new Transfiguration flagship model on the horizon.

I'm also behind on cleaning records.
Jtimothya, send it to me, I'll mount it for ya. ;)

I've been looking for a good deal on a Phoenix, can't seem to find one though. I just missed out on a dealer demo with less than 50 hours for $2200 last week. I won't hold my breath to wait for another one to come up. :(

Yes, the Proteus has replaced the Orpheus-L model, but Bob Clarke told me that he expects the new Phoenix-S to be in the line for another 2-3 years. It looks like the list price on the Proteus is going to be about $6250.
That is a really great price - sorry you missed it - best of luck with the search. I plan to run the 'S' on a Triplanar. Was ready to pull the trigger but waiting to see if the changes found in Tri's new Ultimate U12 version will find their way to his 9" arm. My original Orpheus on an SME-V continues to give good results but it is also way long in the tooth.

I see no reference to the ring magnet arrangement used in the Orpheus/L, so a new design. Makes sense, as I'm told there was only one guy in the world who could build those!
Thanks for the link, but I can't even look at that kind of stuff, I'll have to sell a kidney. :)
A friend of mine had an original Orpheus on a Basis 2200 Signature w/ Vector 4 arm, it sounded great.

Yeah, I don't think I'll get another crack at a Phoenix, so I'm changing my focus to another few cartridges. I'd like to grab one in the next week or so. Here are four I'm considering, the order changes hourly. :~)

*Lyra Kleos
*Dynavector XX mk II
*ZYX Airy 3 X-SB
*Sumiko Celebration II