Transfiguration Phoenix

Can anyone using this cartridge commenton Phoenix? Is it better than the older Temper versions?
That is a really great price - sorry you missed it - best of luck with the search. I plan to run the 'S' on a Triplanar. Was ready to pull the trigger but waiting to see if the changes found in Tri's new Ultimate U12 version will find their way to his 9" arm. My original Orpheus on an SME-V continues to give good results but it is also way long in the tooth.

I see no reference to the ring magnet arrangement used in the Orpheus/L, so a new design. Makes sense, as I'm told there was only one guy in the world who could build those!
Thanks for the link, but I can't even look at that kind of stuff, I'll have to sell a kidney. :)
A friend of mine had an original Orpheus on a Basis 2200 Signature w/ Vector 4 arm, it sounded great.

Yeah, I don't think I'll get another crack at a Phoenix, so I'm changing my focus to another few cartridges. I'd like to grab one in the next week or so. Here are four I'm considering, the order changes hourly. :~)

*Lyra Kleos
*Dynavector XX mk II
*ZYX Airy 3 X-SB
*Sumiko Celebration II
I have heard the older Phoenix in a friend's system and liked what I heard. It is a lively sounding cartridge, as compared to the "darker" sound of the Temper series. I personally prefer the slightly midrange prominence that gives the Phoenix its lively sound over that of the Temper series. I currently own, and like, the Orpheus L (on a Vector 3 arm/Basis Debut vacuum table).

While I really like the Orpheus, there are plenty of quite different sounding cartridges that I like too, such as the top Lyras (a touch leaner, very open and extended on top).

I don't think there is any reasonable way to guess what would be anyone's particular favorite (differences in taste and system matching), so, unfortunately, there is a lot of random luck involved if one cannot audition cartridges in one's system. The only good news is that the "right" choice is not necessarily related to higher cost. A friend of mine who owns an original Orpheus, had a chance to auditiona Dynavector XX 2 in his system. He actually preferred the less than half priced XX 2 and worked out a trade "down."
Thanks Larry, a part of me just wants to grab the XX mk II because it is the best deal I can get financially speaking.
The quote I got for the Kleos is do-able, but a bit more than I wanted to go. It's a price that I would have jumped at for the Phoenix-S, but a stretch for a Kleos.

I started out looking to stay under $1500 (deal price, not list price). The more I looked, the more I started to stretch that number. It went up to $2K, then I found myself offering $2.5K. But you are absolutely right Larry, spending more money does not guarantee anymore musical satisfaction.

I wound up working my price up for the Phoenix, because I have heard the Phoenix and the Orpheus and liked them both quite a bit. I have read quite a few negative comments about the Axia, so I decided to avoid that. So I feel that I have crossed the Transfiguration cartridges, the Lyra Kleos and the Sumiko Celebration off of my list. However, I haven't crossed Lyra off, perhaps a Delos.

Which leaves me with 3 today (in no particular order):
*Lyra Delos
*Dynavector XX mk II
*ZYX Airy 3-X SB

As I sit here right now, the Dynavector is in the lead. I have had good experiences with ZYX cartridges, but I don't think that the Airy 3 is worth 50% more $$$ than the XX mk II.

The Lyra is still in there due to it's high praise, but to be honest, the Helikon was not my cup of tea. Very exciting, sort of like Nordost cables, but I found that in the long term, listening fatigue became an issue. I've read that this new Lyra generation is smoother, but I also recall reading that about the Helikon 10 years ago.

It's funny how this audio nervosa manifests itself, I wake up in the morning and come to my senses, and just want a good X at the best price. However, as the day goes on, and I look at more and more toys, I find my price tag climbing as the day goes on, working my budget upwards. Late at night I'm want the best X at a good price.

Wake up again the next morning back at ground zero thinking "Thank God I didn't pull the trigger on that last night". haha No wonder most sellers have auctions ending late at night, huh?
Yeah, its easy to talk oneself up in price. Six months down the line we all want to avoid that after-feeling of "I shoulda spent the extra $XXX instead".

I was very (very) impressed with the ZYX Universe II; enough so to make me think favorably of the Airy 3-X SB even though I haven't heard it yet.