Technics SL1200MK2 Cartridge Discussion


I'd like to have a thread on cartridges that work with the Technics SL1200MK series tables.

I want to buy a Technics SL1210MK2 (the new black version from Musicians Friend) and need a cartridge recommendation. I am using a Musical Fidelity A308CR preamp that has MM/MC capability. My amps are Bryston 7B ST's and I have a pair of B&W Signature 800's on the way to replace my N801's. The MF Preamp is rolled off on top and the system is very listenable for long lengths of time. I'd describe it as detailed, but not too bright.

I really want to try the Technics table as it is relaible and inexpensive ($400 shipped or less for a used table if I go the ebay route). Please do not try to talk me into a different table. I had a VPI Scout and Dynavector 20x (High output) that I sold because I just wasn't using it. I'd like to keep this cheap so that I have decent TT available when and if I want to use it.

What can you recommed for a cart? I'd like to keep $160 to $200 as a max and stay lower if possible. Here is what I am considering:

Denon 103 (not the R)
Denon 110
Denon 160

Audio Technica 440 MLa

Shure M97xe

I do not know what carts work well with the Technics tonearm. I know that it is light and some threads recommend a Sumiko headshell for the Denons. What do I need to know here before buying a table and cart.

Not so much a cartridge question, rather an SL1200 hot-rod question:

Which would be a better option for modding an SL1200
a) HiFi World's version with modded RB250

b) KAB SL1210 M5G with:
Fluid damper
Outboard PS
Threaded record clamp
Cardas tonearm rewire
Isonoe feet
Cmk, that question has been asked here, on AudioCircle, and on Audioasylum. To my knowledge, no user has ever directly compared the two. I mentioned the Rega mod to Kevin at KAB, and he explained why he would not recommend replacing the Technics tonearm. Of course, he's in the business of optimizing Technics tonearms, so it's in his interest to convince users of his method. Nevertheless, I believe he endorses what he thinks are truly the best options for the Technics.

On the other hand, people who have done the Rega mod (but have only compared to a stock Technics table) love the results.

Personally, I would only do the Rega mod to a used Technics table and with a used Rega arm. I'd hate to spend the money buying new, and then tear apart the table only to discover the results were not up to my expectations. Doing the mod with used gear lessens the risk, IMO.
I have KAB Technics SL-1210 MKII with Cardas wire, fluid dumper, external power supply, RCA connectors plate.
I'm using 0.5 mV Grado Platinum for now, and been thinking about Shelter 501 MKII.
The main reason is the compatibility with my phono stage.
Has anyone ever tried Shelter on SL 1210?
I have Technics tonearm only because Kevin talked me out of Rega, and I didn'r feel, he was doing it just to promote his own design.
Another question: reading previous posts, it looks, that supplied cart adjustm tool is not entirely accurate for overhang.
What protractor is suitable for S-shaped arms?
One more thing- Sumiko headshell, sold by Music Direct, is that the one recommended for Technics?