Mapleshade tweaks

Has anyone tried any of the various Mapleshade products and tweaks? Are their interconnects as clearly better as they say vs. AQ or Kimber at similar price points? How about their power cords? Do their maple equipment and speaker platforms make enough difference to justify spending $100-500? How about their footers? Their CD treatments? Their Samson equipment racks? Thanks in advance.
Ag insider logo xs@2xkmulkey
I think the guy has good ears. I replaced the stock base on a Spacedeck with one of their 4" maple blocks and it was a huge difference. Better in all ways. Am seriously thinking of getting the maple bases for my Totem floorstanders which have been placed on popcorn concrete pads since new. It does get a bit pricey for a couple of pieces of wood. Not sure how the 2" stuff compares, but I'd be surprised to find them as good. Sorry, no experience with their other products.
Well. Their footers (rubber & cork) are nothing more than V-pads available at any heating and air conditioning supplier for about $2.00 for a 4"x4" pad which are actually very effective vibration isolators.