Phono Preamp Suggestions?

I have a Sota Star table, with SME IV-VI arm, and a Shelter 90X cartridge. I would like to upgrade my current phono preamp (Music Fidelity X-LPSv3).

I am using the Denon Prepro as my Preamp, Classe CA-M400 amps, and B&W 802D speakers.

I would like to get something nice that is a good match for the rest of my system, for $1000-$1800. Used or new is fine. Do you have some suggestions?

Additional Info:
- The Shelter cartridge has an output of .65mv
- I am open to SS or Tubes.
- Currently, I think my system is pretty neutral. I would prefer a neutral phono preamp, or maybe something with just a very slight hint of warmth.


I would recommend the Allnic H-1200. Great sounding piece. 2 mini tubes /ch for MM and uses apair of SUT's for MC. Unit is very quiet and the sound easilly rivals many $2000-4000 pieces I have used.
Glad to see someone else appreciates what the GCPH can do. I never noticed a lean sound with mine before but certainly not since the Cullen circuits mod. It's not real cheap but I think the mod makes it hard to rationalize spending thousands on a "better" phono stage. It does everything it should and nothing it shouldn't.
Thanks all for the comments so far. You've given me a lot to think about.

A friend may be upgrading from his Pass Ono soon. How would this compare to the other phono preamps mentioned here?

All I can say is I sold my Pass XONO after I listened to the Allnic H-1200 (on loan to me). The XONO sounded clearer/sterile while the Allnic sounded more organic, more open and magical. It did not have that typical hi-fi sound. If you like the hi-fi sound, the Pass XONO will have it in spades.

No, I did not end up getting the Allnic H-1200 but got it's bigger brother the H-1500 SE and will be getting the H-3000 when funds permit (hopefully soon).

I see someone from Canada has one for sale here, and they also upgraded from the 1200 to the 1500. this wouldn't be you would it?
