Phono Preamp Suggestions?

I have a Sota Star table, with SME IV-VI arm, and a Shelter 90X cartridge. I would like to upgrade my current phono preamp (Music Fidelity X-LPSv3).

I am using the Denon Prepro as my Preamp, Classe CA-M400 amps, and B&W 802D speakers.

I would like to get something nice that is a good match for the rest of my system, for $1000-$1800. Used or new is fine. Do you have some suggestions?

Additional Info:
- The Shelter cartridge has an output of .65mv
- I am open to SS or Tubes.
- Currently, I think my system is pretty neutral. I would prefer a neutral phono preamp, or maybe something with just a very slight hint of warmth.


While I have been mulling over the preamp and phono preamp options, a friend let me try his Pass Ono phono preamp.

It was very detailed without coming off as dry or analytical. The soundstage was wide, and the instruments were well defined. It was a marked improvement over the Mobile Fidelity I have.

If I can try a tube preamp, I will. Then I will have a better idea weather a new preamp or phono preamp will be better bang for the buck.

If you're happy with what you listened to, then just stick to it. That's the best piece of advise I can give you. We're all looking for different things. What might be best for me might not be what you're looking for.
Sounds like good stuff but even the 1500 is higher than I'd like to go any time soon.(I've got 4 little kids to support...not to mention their mom)Oh well, the modded GCPH really is quite good. Meanwhile, maybe I'll be watching for your 1500 to show up here Genesis.
Might just sell my 1500 when I go all out (hopefully soon). Start with the 1200. It has that same magical sound as the 1500 with less scale and body.

Comparing the 1200 to the XONO is like looking at a great photo/picture(xono) vs the looking at the real thing (allnic). Don't get me wrong, the pass is a great piece but it was not what I wanted.
The Allnic sounds great by your description, but I am not able to find much info on it via the web, and I don't have a way to demo it.

I could buy one used, then try to sell it if I don't like it, but since it isn't a mainstream piece, it makes me a little leary.

I appreciate the recommendation.