Phono Preamp Suggestions?

I have a Sota Star table, with SME IV-VI arm, and a Shelter 90X cartridge. I would like to upgrade my current phono preamp (Music Fidelity X-LPSv3).

I am using the Denon Prepro as my Preamp, Classe CA-M400 amps, and B&W 802D speakers.

I would like to get something nice that is a good match for the rest of my system, for $1000-$1800. Used or new is fine. Do you have some suggestions?

Additional Info:
- The Shelter cartridge has an output of .65mv
- I am open to SS or Tubes.
- Currently, I think my system is pretty neutral. I would prefer a neutral phono preamp, or maybe something with just a very slight hint of warmth.



Thanks for the suggestions. You mentioned you ran the 9000 at 38 ohms loading. Can I ask what loading you used with the 90X?

38ohms. That is the impedance reflected by the Lundahl MC trannie wired 10:1. I have a 3.8K resistor in parallel with the secondary. Divide that by 10 squared you get 38 ohms. In my set-up the highs were a little too pronounced with less load (42 ohms). 20 ohms "killed" the sound stage. The 9000 really is a significant improvement.
I currently have an Allnic 1200 on loan from a HiFi dealer. I really am in 2 minds about it - on some music it is sublime on other music it seems a bit unconvincing. I'm thinking my next step will be to listen to a good piece of rock and roll, maybe The Who with Won't Get Fooled Again, listen with the Allnic and then with the Black Cube I currently run and make up my mind.

Do any owners of Allnic 1200 phono stages listen to much rock? The higher models are probably out of my reach money wise so any opinions would be appreciated.