Need Help on Phono Cable

I am looking recommendations on a phono cable in the 200 to 300 price range.
I have looked at the cables below and some others but don't know anything about them.
Harmonic Technology pro silway mk iii, Shunyata Aries Phono
I need RCA' s on both ends and it must be shielded.
I appreciate any help.

I'm using Anti-Cables with great success. You can try them with a money-back guarantee. I had Paul put extra shielding on mine, but found that I didn't need it, and use the standard version.
Check on ebay and try to get the Zu Xaus phono cable. You can pick them up for under 200.00 and they are very nice. They will terminate the cable however you want it, and you get a money back trial period to see if its what your looking for. I have used several and found nothing as nice in my system for anywhere near the price. Might find one here used on Agon for even cheaper if your lucky.
I have had great results with an Audiquest Leopard in a phono application. Since you need RCA to RCA I would recommned the AQ columbia. A little over uour budget if new. I really feel the DBS cables work very well for this application. The low level signal is least affected by the cable insulation with the DBS. This affectively eliminates the need for break in which is difficult for a phono cable. The sound..coherent but detailed.
Stringreen put me onto Anti cables and I'll back him up on their great performance. A lot of cables will do a great job but at this price, the anti cables seem like a no brainer. Cables are not the most important place to spend your hard earned money. Many, if not, most are grossly overpriced.