Senior Audiophiles - Audiophile since the 60-70's?

How many Senior (true) Audiophiles do we have here since the 70's or prior?

What was your favorite decade and why?

What are your thoughts of the current state of Audio?

Would you trade your current system for a past system?
I first became interested in Hi Fi about 1953. It was a totally different hobby then. We built our own amps and speakers, and not from kits. Schematics were published in the mags, and in the RCA Tube Manual, and we would go to the electronics parts store (like Harvey radio in NYC) and buy a bunch of resistors, capacitors, transformers, tubes...etc and go to work with the soldering iron. We were creative: for example I built more than one amp using a bread baking tin for a chassis!

Of course we constructed all kinds of enclosures for loudspeakers, and we even modified drivers by doing things like glueing stips of balsa wood onto the cone to control breakup.

Of course there was always Heathkit, RIP. When other kits were introduced, like Dyna Kit, and Eico, you didn't need to know anything about how the electronics worked, and the nature of the hobby changed.

Today audiophile skills relate to knowing how to best allocate financial resources in the purchase of ready-made equipment. That's OK, but it really is not as interesting as the old days. It is a bit like flying an airplane today (I am a private pilot too). In the old days it took some physical coordination and skill to fly a plane like a J3 cub. Today, it's about as challenging as driving a car. In the case of jetliners, the pilot's job is to program the computers that fly the plane.
My first system was around 1975 (I don't remember exactly) Harmon Kardon reciever, and pair of KLH speakers and a Sony (I think?) turntable. I still have the reciever the rest is long gone.

I can remember sitting in the Bedrooms or Basements of friends listening to music and think one day I would have a system like that! My system now isn't anything special, but I've had much better stuff. If I could get the tax man off my back maybe I could get something better again.

I think everyone's favorite era of music is when they were in high school and College. I even find myself listening to music from my high school days that I did not like then, but has nostalgic value today. Some of it I would not want to put into print! Yes, I'm ashamed!
I can remember in the mid 60s walking through Alco-Paramount in San Jose California and seeing high end Scott receivers and seperates built into consoles, and Marantz 10Bs and 7s on the shelves. The EV Patrician speakers were there as was a JBL Paragon. Those were the days!
Hello to all. I built my first amp in 1959 (Eico kit). Except for the minor diversion caused by the "newer is better transistor" it has been tubes all the way. This is an exciting time. Better parts. Renewed tube manufacture.
Desire to explore forgotten avenues of audio electronics. More worldwide tube interest. Yes, there is hucksterism. There will always be hucksterism. But, there are interesting things being discovered and rediscoverd. My voyage into triodes ( 2A3 45 50 300B 845 ) has yielded the greatest musical surprises and experiences of my audio journey. Don't just settle for what commercial products there are, although there are some very good ones. Take your adventure into learning and understanding. You will find a much deeper satisfaction when the music you reproduce transcends the hardware, touches the emotions, and can take your breath away.
I started in 1957 with a Webcor changer/GE magnetic cartridge, Harman-Kardon Prelude(?) and a no-name speaker. Soon added an RCA 12" coax in a RiverEdge bass reflex and later an Eico HFT-90. Went on to Dynaco and Empire TT with Altec A-7s and never looked back. Too much over the years to itemize.