Loricraft and power cord upgrade?

I have had a Loricraft PRC4 vacuum cleaner for LPs for some time now. It really makes a dramatic difference in surface noise and brings to life old records that I thought were beyond hope.

Having changed my setup, I found myself with a spare AC cord (Iego using Furukawa OCC copper and quality connectors). So I asked, why not? I tried swapping it for the generic 16 gauge cord and vacuumed a record.

Now given that I only have one record for each album, it's hard to do controlled comparisons with respect to cleaning quality. But I think I hear a difference in the tone/noise of the motor and pump. Will it clean better? One wonders. It is a motor after all and although is not in the path of the stereo system, indirectly by acting on the LP surface, it can make a positive contribution. Is this too far-fetched?
Clearly what is going on is not any difference in motor performance resulting from the power cord change, but the difference in record magnetization effects.

By using the better power cord, you are reducing the electromagnetic field strength which surrounds it, as seen particularly near the edge of the record (that being the location on the record which is closest to the power cord, and which of course affects the critical opening passages of the music which will disproportionately influence listening impressions for many people).

That reduction, according to my calculations for typical dimensions, is roughly a change from 0.000000000012 newtons per coulomb to 0.000000000009 newtons per coulomb. The reduction in field strength at locations elsewhere on the record is smaller, but still non-zero, being inversely proportional to the square of the distance.

The result is a substantial net reduction in record magnetization, from typically 0.00000000000027 ergs per Gauss-centimeter cubed, to 0.000000000000015 ergs/G-cm^3. A plainly audible difference.


-- Al :)
It's all in good fun. I actually was curious what kind of response I would get. I was re-arranging the furniture and decided to move the RCM out of the living room for aesthetic reasons.I didn't realize it had a detachable power cord so I decided to muse online on the possibilities. I have not tried an upgraded power cord on it.

But you have given me ideas. What about the microwave? I'm also thinking my fridge, which buzzes all day long. Perhaps someone should open this market for upgraditis - I will be a fast follower if it works.
This thread is turning into an all time classic.
We should have that printed!
One of THE most deeply inspired and imagination-soaked offerings on A'gon to date?

Now, what makes a good (hi-end) power cord I wonder? Nitrogen filled, gold plated N6 copper, woven by Peruvian virgins?
If you just have a stock power cord on your TV and it will fit, try it on that instead.

By the way, thanks for your thread. I've been meaning to order an Iego IEC Inlet and kept forgetting about it. Thanks to your thread, I ordered it today.
Oh ja?!
>>> If you just have a stock power cord on your TV and it will fit, try it on that instead. <<<

No, no, we need the hi-end version for this, so the picture will clearly be 1 - 2 foot outside of the box, and the depth perception improved so it will shine out the corners much better.
Sound should also more easily lift of the TV so you can not hear there is a TV anywhere.

First things first I say.