VPI Classic - Now you have one......

For all who have had the Classic for a while now...what's it like to live with and is it what you expected it to be or more/ less?
I got mine last week and really like it.
I had one question for those of you with more experience then myself.
I ordered a John Boos maple butcher block thinking it was 2.25" thick but instead received a 1.5" thick version.

How much difference does thickness make when it comes to using a maple block. In the classic manual it says to use a 2" thick block. Should I return what I got and try to find a thicker one?


-- Sanjay

Within Audiogon, you'll find Michigan Maple or Dawnsplatforms. 3" thick maple boards that just fit under the Classic sell for $75. Seems like a good price compared with other vendors.
I tried the Boos 1.5" and the 2.25" cutting board supported by #2 Vibrapods around the perimeter. The 1.5" for me was the best by a wide margin. I use 1.5" Boos that I cut to size under my DAC's, tube & solid state electronics, and transports with very good results. I currently am using a Gingko Cloud under the Classic. The other turntable in the system with the Classic is on a 1.5" Boos and Stillpoints. I have found that one must experiment with supports.

I use a Benz ACE SL S cartridge, a VPI cable, and an Allnic H1500 II SE phono stage with the Classic. I found that dampening fluid was necessary. Without it, I had lack of focus and a sound stage that was very wide with little height.

The periphery ring clamp a center weight is a good upgrade.
Two questions for those who own the Classic:
1. Would the Classic fit on a 20'' x 15'' maple block? I know its dimensions are a little bigger, but was wondering if its footprint was small enough to fit on a block this size.

2. Does anyone own the Classic with the special edition of the Dynavector 20X cart made exclusively for VPI that VPI offers on its website as an option? It has a higher output than the standard 0.4 20X but lower than the 2.5. I was curious how it works with the Classic and whether it's worth the extra $100.


I own a Classic. Answer to 1st question is "yes". I would not buy anything smaller - length or width. I can't answer the 2nd question as I mounted a Benz Glider that I had on hand. You might want to call Galen Carol at Galen Carol Audio in San Antonio, TX. He sells the Classic and is a straight shooter and can probably answer your question.