DAC Recommendation around 2.5K

There are so many new DACs, it makes one head swim.

I currently have a PS Audio DL III w/ level 3 Cullen mods
it sounds great, very analog and musical, however will not do 24/192 even via coax. So.....

Hegel HD25? NAD M51? I want to have a usb 24/192 to avoid another device in the chain (in order to use coax)


Jolida fusion preamp (with mods)
channel island d-200 moon block amps
acoustic zen adagio speakers
kimber silver cable
soundstring cable
"anti-cables" for speaker wire

Listen to ALL types of music, so dac needs to be comfortable with classical and jazz but also lots of classic rock

Thank You

PS: i do not care about DSD capability, don't buy it....
Try the Mytek stereo 192 dac. $1695
Very dynamic and beautiful sounding with all Hi-rez material
Also sounds great with redbook. Like mine a lot
Even though you don't care about DSD capability, you should still check out the MYTEK - STEREO192 DSD DAC, which is $1595. The Cable Company carries it so you could do a test run. It gets very good reviews.
Too bad you need USB 24/192. There's a Bel Canto DAC 3.5VB for sale here at a little above your price target but likely negotiable, but pretty sure it requires a USB converter. Very positively reviewed against some of the best DACs out there so still might be worth a look. I auditioned the DAC 3.0VB in my system and it was pretty amazing and would still be here if the wife approved. Dammit. Best of luck.
I love the NAD M51 which you can find for around $1800. It accepts USB as you desire and also can output SACD and DVDA via its HDMI input (and it sounds fantastic doing so).
How about the ps audio perfect wave II? They can be had brand new at your price if you look.