Azimuth and the Fozgometer

Finally received the Fozgometer after a 2 month backorder. In the past I have always used a loupe and a front surface mirror to set the azimuth on my Tri-Planar with Dynavector XV-1S cartridge. According to the meter, I was very close to a correct azimuth. I wasn't prepared for the effects that a very slight adjustment would make. Nailing the azimuth has brought my soundstage into tight focus. I have never experienced this kind of solid imaging in my system.
I know that the $250 price tag is a bit steep for something that won't get a lot of use, but this is not a subtle improvement. There are other ways of measuring azimuth, that I am not very familiar with, but I would doubt that they are as easy to use as the Fozgometer.
I couldn't agree more!!! The more time in the chair the better!!! I too borrowed a friends and was able to adjust my stylus to a perfect match, noting that I was off about 2db. Well it made a pretty big improvement in sound quality to say the least!!!
This device works like a charm. Highly recommended.
After 10 minutes of adjustments with this device & the test records, imaging is now more precise, more solid focus and fuller sound.... Highly recommended
Nolitan, I was about to buy one when I found the Soundsmith Cartright at the RMAF. I am going to wait for it as it does VTA, azimuth, overhang, and SRA.
good luck but the fozgometer makes huge difference. Even inner groove distortion has been minimized to some degree.
Wish they have a device similar to like this but can guide you to a "better" alignment.