Is the Basis 2001 a solid enough table to keep.

If I bought a Basis 2001 table only, could I make it a great turntable with the addition of a well thought out arm and cartridge combo? Or not try to re-invent the wheel (My first turntable in 20 plus years). Or should I try buying a complete setup i.e. Nottingham Space Deck w/space arm or VPI Classic?
Thanks, Greg
The Basis Turntable can be upgraded to a very serious unit and the Graham drill is identical for the 2.0 series or the Phantom. The Graham Arms have a superior alignment system which makes the adjustment very simple. No matter what cartridge you choose, you are in very short time very close to the best adjustment.

I have not looked into it myself, but support from Nottingham here in the states is not exactly prolific. YMMV. I cannot speak to performance comparisons because I have only heard Not's a few times in dealer show rooms.

If the Basis table you are looking at with the 2.2 is not using the SME style mount it should be easy to replace the 2.2 later with an armboard change. The Vector is superior to the 2.2 on Basis tables so that could be an upgrade later. I will disagree a little with Syntax with regard to the Graham setup jig. It is pretty close but many find the alignment is not as good as what can be done with a good protractor. Again, YMMV.
Also A.J.Conti at Basis is one of the real good guys in Audio : very helpful and accessible to customers on top of being one of the best TT designers.
Basis- Get it - Set it- and forget about it!

Once set up, the Basis just does not need any tinkering with for that constant-optimum performance - It just does it all the time. Consistency-Reliability and Commitment (to perform)

I have got into analog since the last 6 months and my EMM Signature combo is gathering dust after getting my Basis. And not to forget most of all A J Conti's service and experience levels are hard to find.

Enjoy your Basis whichever and whenever you do get one.
I'm not sure it would be worth buying a Basis 2001 with the idea of switching tone arms from a SME mount to the Basis mount. My understanding is the table would have to be shipped to basis where an acrylic plug would be inserted then the plinth would be redrilled with the Vector mount.
Now if we were talking a 2800 Sig at a smoking price that would be a different story.