Benz Wood SL Very lean from the start

Does anyone know if and when the Benz Wood SL will truly break in? I just installed it with new phono cables from Zu, Bob's Cinemag SUT and the BAT VK-P5 phono. I realize that all these are brand new and in need of breaking in, but the Benz seems weak in all areas compared to my Ortofon Rondo Blue that I have. Any help and suggestions would be appreciated. Also, did I make a mistake in not getting the Benz Glider and saving money? Thanks.
Ksl822, I do not know about Wood but my Glider turned 180 degrees to better in sound quality when climbed over mysterious 40 hour mark. So just keep spinning.

You did not made a mistake, I did a mistake getting Glider instead of Wood. Wood is considered sweet spot. I ran Glider for 200 hours but dropped it for a Denon DL103, Denon gave me so much meat on the bone, that it was embarrasing (for a Glider). Maybe its all in system matching, but I do not how people enjoying Gliders, its still a good cart, and plays certains record very fine, is amazing tracker, but IMO overpriced. The old MSRP $799 represents Glider value better.
Thanks for your input and help everyone!

The Wood is opening up more, as you had said. But the surface noise is considerably far greater than the Ortofon Rondo Blue it replaced.

Happy listening!

I have not had experience with any Benz cart, how does the benz wood sound in comparison to Koetsu, SHelters or clearaudio carts ? would like to hear some inputs.