The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
It's obvious to me that the right Reverend Hifisoundguy is on a mission. He is proselytizing for his Hifi god, the Bose 901, and wont be happy until he can convince the audio world to switch audio gods. Seriously dude, let it go, your opinion is a valid as anyone else's, so stop trying to convince the rest of us who also have opinions just as valid. You like what you like, we get it.
IF you live in NY you have chance listen best speakers
Sonicrev By Bache Audio. Show room located at 750 3rd Ave
Brooklyn . Forget Audio NOTE, VOXATIV, . It is killing Speakers ,VEry LOUD for 4-5 watt AMP. Call 917-299-4171
Up until the Capital Audio Fest this past weekend, I would have had a different answer, but after sitting down in front of a pair of Joseph Audio Perspective floorstanders, I've got a new "best."

They aren't huge (~3' tall), not overdone, highly aesthetically pleasing (especially with the covers off), and--driven by a whole array of Bel Canto components--produced what I would call the most surprising, enthusiastic, thoroughly enjoyable sound I've ever heard. Much bigger than the speakers, but beautifully imaged and just... uplifting.

I know I'm a neophyte on these forums, and I'll admit I was so struck by the sound I wasn't able to pay attention to some of the nuances I might otherwise attempt to nitpick--they just begged to be enjoyed.

Anyone else hear these and have a similar reaction?
I caught them briefly and liked what I heard.

I am a fan of the BC gear's ability to help bring things to life in a high end way for fairly reasonable cost.