Graham Phantom B-44 shipping question

I gotten conflicting opinions on this question. When one ships a Graham Phantom B-44 do you leave the damping fluid in or removed? If removed, how does one remove all dumping fluid and make sure that it is super clean without harming anything?
Add to the above , I recall a review of the 1.5tc that the reveiwer sent without removing the silicone and his arm (Steven Stone) required a rebuild to clean and repair the mess it left. Should be reason enough to remove it before removing arm and shipping.
Has2be, guess I was just nervous about doing it. Your comments helped gives me more confidence that its fairly straight forward.
Depends on how much fluid there is left in there. If very little, i just leave it on.
Selling AND Shipping a Phantom Arm? It is simple, but the bearing cup has to be removed. There is a blue protection cover for it. After that it has an advantage when the fluid has been removed... :-)