VPI Classic vs. Well Tempered Amadeus

Both of these turntables are priced very simular. Who out there has compared the two turntables? Which one did you like and why?

I have not purchased yet, but within the next few months I will upgrade to a Amadeus. Thanks for all the replies.
Either the Amadeus is impregnated with a drug that renders its users slavishly dedicated to it, or it is a very good turntable. I have never seen such unanimous adoration for a product. As a contrarian myself (and a person who finds much not to like in the Well Tempered Reference tt and tonearm), I admit I find this hard to swallow. But it is more likely that the fans are motivated by its good qualities than by drug.

I can't speak to the Classic (though Jeff Dorgay at Tone Publications was raving about it recently). But you can see my direct comparison of the WTA and a Townshend Rock in a thread titled something like "Townshend Rock 7 Initial Impressions" on AudioCircle. Both are great tables (or your drug hypothesis is correct and Townshend uses the same drug).

I also think that Robert Greene's review of the Rock 7 captures the differences in the 2 tables quite well. you can find that on AVGuide (sorry about to run out the door so no time to track down the links).

I am hoping Music Direct in town here has a Classic set up in their showroom. I'd like to take a listen to one.
I have the Classic 1 and just bought a WTA, which should be here in a week or so. it will be very interesting to compare them, since as someone else mentioned, the WTA seems to get more universal praise than any other piece of equipment out there.