VPI Classic vs. Well Tempered Amadeus

Both of these turntables are priced very simular. Who out there has compared the two turntables? Which one did you like and why?

It's certainly a curious design. I have a few questions for those who own it or are knowledgeable regarding the table's and tonearm's technical specifications.

1) From reading the WTA's review in TAS, I understand the WTA's tonearm has no resonance. That means it is impossible to match the cartridge with the tonearm to attain the desirable range of resonant frequency between 8-12 Hz as there is nothing to match. Correct? That means that you can use any cartridge on the market, regardless of its compliance as long as it can be physically mounted in the headshell, right? As a corollary to the desired frequency statement above, if the optimal range is 8-12 Hz and WTA's tonearm has none, where does this leave us?

2) Is there a clamp or a ring that can be used with the table? How do WTA's owners deal with records that have bigger warps?
Correction to 1): the TAS review did not state that the tonearm had no resonance, but that "[s]ince the arm works entirely by damping, it naturally damps out the arm/cartridge resonance very well indeed. Running the Shure Era IV test record to find the arm/cartridge resonant frequency, one comes surprisingly close to finding no resonance at all." Nonetheless, my question still stands, i.e., how does this fit with the optimal cartridge/tonearm resonant frequency between 8-12 Hz?
No ring or clamp is recommended or necessary. I have a record that was unplayable on the first two tracks on both sides on my previous table. The WTA sails through this record like nobody's business.

Is any other WTA owners out there having the knot noise that Vortex mentions? Is there any option to relocate the power switch or have an external one since the rear switch would not work well with my wall shelf recessed into but not touching my audio cabinet.