Clearaudio Master Innovation Assembly pics

The Master is in the house. The sound is glorious. Saving you all the short the table is very dynamic, noticeable at lower playing volumes especially when compared to my innovation compact. Bass is tight, extended and articulate. It really seems like a well balanced table throughout the frequency range. Huge sound stage depth and precise imaging with lots of air around the instruments, vocals. The drive...aka PRAT is there. I think I should be satisfied for a long time to come. I'm using a Graham Phantom Supreme 10" (Mint LP setup), A90 and XP-25 phono stage.

Here is a link to my photo's of the assembly process.

Looking a bit closer at the upper record patter assembly, this is what I have found. If you are familiar with the standard (double plinth) Innovation, the unit comes with the ceramic bearing exposed. You have to lubricate it and the inside of the bearing outer metal jacket that supports the metal sub-platter. What's different about the Master Innovation is that the bearing is sealed inside the bearing outer metal jacket. The outer jacket keeps the platter from lateral movement while at the same time floating the platter on the opposing magnetic force just as with the regular innovation. It appears the upper acrylic magnetic platter shaft is affixed to the bearing outer jacket, hence it floats in harmony with the delrin record platter when downward force is applied. The upper double plinth, upper acrylic magnetic platter and bearing/jacket are pre-assembled in the factory. The bearing appears to require no furthur lubrication maintenance. Hope this helps.

Thanks for the pictures, Rockitman. Very nice!

Looks like the Master Innovation is made of two turntables stacked on top of each other, which makes it easier to manufacture from existing parts. The lower table resembles the Innovation with magnets embedded in the platter -- I bet the lower table works just like a regular Innovation turntable with magnets removed. I assume the lower table uses Clearaudio's CMB ceramic magnetic bearing.

Here's my observation and is purely based on the visuals provided. The upper table consists of two platters with the dual-layered plinths in between. The bearing shaft has to hold the two platters--notice the set-screws -- and they are levitated by that magnetic bearing and looks like they are putting a different spin on the CMB concept as by nature the bearing for the upper table would have NO thrust plate or no contact vertically. This avoids the use of angular contact bearing a la EAR Disk Master, since the shaft does not have to meet a contact point vertically -- it just floats. The concern is that is this floating state stable since it is not mechanically grounded and how tight is the gap -- any slight vertical movement will affect VTA, dynamics and other sonic issues. It's a similar issue with air-bearing tonearm. The upper white platter is being pulled down by the lower white platter so that helps to have tighter tolerance on that magnetic gap.

Did you detect any vertical instability of the bearing? One must give credit to Clearaudio's clever use of magnet to avoid using any multi-contact bearing such as the noisier angular-contact bearing. Judging by your positive sonic result, I assume the floating bearing poses no negative effect. So, congrats and thanks again for posting all the nice pictures!

P.S. I am curious what it would sound like if the lower table is replaced with a direct-drive turntable. Hmmm....

Let me know when u get the TT upgrade bug and I'll buy your Master Innovation.

I actually am considering an Innovation as upgrade to my 10 yr old master reference, but after reading your review and great pics, I may have to save up a while longer,

Great pics and review.
Was the price for the master innovation $24,000 net or list?
Is the sound big different as compare to master ref. Amg wood?