Basis table or SME

I am looking to acquire a high end table. I currently use a Forsell Air Reference. I really like the build quality and support that Basis provides and have heard equally good comments about SME tables as well. I would appreciate your feedback on both or either of these tables. I'm considering a Basis 2500/2800 Signature or a Basis Bebut Signature or an SME 20/3 or 20/12. I am open to other suggestions that are designs based on proven technology with excellent customer care. Thanks very much.
feel free to contact me at if you would like to talk more about it.
Both tables are superb and extremely well-engineered. I own a Basis Ovation that was upgraded with the Debut platter, bearing and vacuum system, and am extremely happy with it; it has been working flawlessly in my system for over 20 years. The one thing I will say here is that the Forsell that you have is a unique turntable with a very distinctive presentation, I think it may be quite different in some ways from an SME or Basis. If you have not heard either of these tables you should to make sure that you don't wind up missing some of the things that the Forsell does well (whether they're colorations or not).

when I am honest, not in a way to make a final statement. I listened to original Verdiers from the early 80's, with the original Magnets. The musical flow and information was really, really good. I always wanted to buy one but in a way, I always missed the chance ... they are a bit rare, too.
Later some DIY mods became available, the feedback was not good about those, years later the Nouvelle Platine was launched, but it is not comparable to the first ones. Same name but technically different. Mainly sold in Europe I think.