The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Tbg, no as with my S5's they don't need any augmentation in the bottom end. But my Dealer thinks really highly of it. The Torus is not a subwoofer in the traditional meaning. It works differently and is an "infrasonic generator" which improves dynamics and prat. The TAS review is a good read, though I can see from the specs that the Torus has had further development in the last 7 years which is to be expected.

If I owned a pair of Magico S1's or S3's, or panel speakers the Torus would be a no-brainer as it is one of the only, if not the only "sub" which is fast enough to keep up with beryllium and true ribbon drivers, and is a relative high end bargain.
Best speakers I've ever heard are now the FOcal Grand Utopia EMs in my living room. Rod Thomson performed a "Master Set" speaker tuning yesterday and the results took performance levels to a new high. Very impressive what these speakers can do, especially when properly set up in a room. Driven by VAC Statement amps and preamp, Esoteric p-02/D-02, High Fidelity and Hi Diamond cabling. Took years to put together - well worth the brain damage along the way. :-)
Tbg writes ...

"Hazyj, I don't expect consensus on anything much less speakers. I certainly have no interest in what is most often mentioned or liked by most.consensus."

Clearly the question wasn't meant for you then. Why even waste time answering?
It's just a fun thread. Most of us have said we love speakers that we DON'T have. We've all heard THOSE speakers and said, WOW, wish I could afford THOSE.....I've purposely looked for some of the speakers mentioned here. In the end though, I find it interesting to see that some folks have only heard mid fi speakers and some have heard some very high end stuff. it's just kind of interesting seeing where some folks are with their hobby. Again, no right or wrong answers. That's what makes this such a fun thread and why it's been running for so long.
Hazyj, once in a great while, someone will post something that interests me. But heretofore, it has not been a speaker with anything approaching majority support.

I really see no reason to have audio postings as words cannot convey sounds. So in reality mine is idle curiosity.