Anyone try Synergistic Research PHT...

transducers on their cartridge/headshell? Wondering if this really improves sound, and which type do you use. Thanks.
I've been watching this thread in amazement and quite surprised in the emotional outcries it caused, which was unintended on my part.

Well, I tried the blue velvet PHT today. The device weighed around 0.015g. I heard no discernible difference at all. Had a friend of mine blind me and put the device on and off without my knowing which was which. We did not account for its weight effect on VTF due to the changing out sequence. Cart was a Dyna XV-1t. We then did it on my friends system too on a Lyra Atlas. Same result - no appreciable difference in sound. Bottom line is when you have your cart dialed in properly, I'm doubting one would even desire a tweak such as the PHT. At least the blue one. Of course, everyone's system and listening preferences (and probably bias too) will vary.
"Of course, everyone's system and listening preferences (and probably bias too) will vary." You forgot aural acuity, critical listening aptitude/experience, familiarity with real instruments/vocals in a live venue and(perhaps) ear wax. There are a plethora of variables! Synergistic offers a money-back satisfaction guarantee. Any Dollar-induced bias should be subtracted from the opinion equation, as it won't cost you anything, not to like it. Then again; those with the preconceived notion that it can't possibly make any difference, already have a built-in, set in concrete, bias against such tweaks.
"Then again; those with the preconceived notion that it can't possibly make any difference, already have a built-in, set in concrete, bias against such tweaks."

Yes, but in a case like that, you are moving away from what we are discussing here with listening bias and moving into other areas. A view like that is more of a ego/personality issue. I think its likely that someone with such an extreme position, can hear a difference, but will not admit it. You don't see too many people like that here on Audiogon, which is why I like this site over the others. The other sites are overrun with that type of thinking. They call themselves objectives. I call them super subjective. If we had this same discussion on a site like Hydrogen Audio, they would have shut it down after the first couple of posts and kicked us all off. lol.
Phil, Thanks for relating your real-world experience. I was surprised to learn that your PHT weighed .015gm (=15mg), as I thought I saw a stat on the SR website of .001gm, for the PHT, albeit that seemed too low to be true. (Here I do not mean to say that SR is deceptive or duplicitous about the weight of the PHT. More than likely this is my own error in interpreting what I read.) In any case, even 15mg is nothing to worry about as regards altering tonearm effective mass or VTF. I personally have had the experience of going in to a listening test with a decided negative bias and coming out with a different opinion entirely. It may well be that when one expects to hear no difference, then the tiniest difference may register with more sensitivity than would otherwise be the case. (This was the question of whether power cords make a difference to the sound of an ESL [electro-static loudspeaker]. I thought surely they would not, but I was very surprised to discover that they do indeed, at least in my system with my pair of Sound Lab ESLs. But one of the two best sounding PCs were the hardware store grade cords supplied by the manufacturer. Cost of the PC was no correlate of "goodness" to my ears. The only nearly "bad" sounding PCs were as costly as any of the 4-5 pairs I got together for my test.)
I think blinded listening removes a great deal of bias. And I agree with everyone, bias is bidirectional, for liking or disliking sound. The money back guarantee (it was my friends purchase of the PHT) helps removing bias as there is nothing to lose but the hassle of returning a product and requesting money back.

Just to give another example: I went to audition a pair of loudspeakers 300 mi away. I really wanted to like them before driving and listening and was prepared to purchase. After auditioning, I was less than blown away and drove home empty handed. I wanted and was ready for a purchase that day. I had a preconceived bias from reading the reviews and internet that I would love these speakers. Despite that bias, I didn't.

By the way Lewm, the PHT does appear to have some magnetic properties. When resting it on my digital tracking force gauge, it made the baseline fluctuate before ever touching the weighing platform. It also has some weak magnetic attraction to another magnet. The perceivable change in sound some may hear are if ones cantilever isn't precisely in the plane of the carts internal magnetic field. This PHT would have an effect on the carts magnets, maybe aligning things better. This may explain the lack of effect on both my friends and my cart - both are new with < 200 hours on them. I imagine that the PHT may have more effect on well-loved carts with several hundred hours on them. Just a guess though.....