Which is more important - Interconnects or PCs?

What do you think your system benefit the most - from interconnects, Speaker Cables, or Powercords? Or do you think they are eqaully important? Is $5000 powercord really necessary?
Since my pcs have built-in line conditioners, I'll address your question accordingly.

There is one aspect about some to many ics and scs that might give their significance the edge over proper line conditioning. That is the time-smear affect that seems so common in ics and scs. It's a pretty vast improvement once the time-smear has been minimized or eliminated.

Most would probably disagree with me, but aside from the time-smear factor, I think both are about equal in significance.

If the line conditioner is doing its job, then one should more easily hear the significant gains of well-engineered ics and scs.

If the ics and scs are doing their job, then one should more easily appreciate the signifianct gains of well-engineered line conditioners.

But, then again, this philosophy works equally well toward every other component in a given system just as well.

No component is an island!!! Except perhaps the amplifier :)

Speaker cables, IC's and power cables are all "tuning devices", and as such, IMHO its pretty tough to rank them. Just as a certain speaker cable or IC can transform a particular system, so can a particular powercord. To get the most out of a system, all 3 areas should be addressed, or at least considered, and there is no substitute for a demo in your own system. When the right combination of cables is achieved, you will probably know it. Then again, there always might be something better out there...........

Also, obviously NOBODY pays list price for the mega-thousand dollar powercords - its all about supply and demand. A site like this one is perfect for trying different cables, etc.
I also concur with RD - speaker, interconnect then (way, way back), is power cord.
Is a $5k cord worth it? - well, there were many wanted ads for one particular brand of $4,500 power cord that was alleged to "soundstage like crazy", but I'm quite sure that was the manufacturer's disingenuous marketing hype.
Stand by to ignore some genius with the obligatory "if you can't hear the difference, then your system isn't capable of adequate resolution" statement - there's always one in the crowd.
I take a bit different view, I completly agree dedicated lines for sure. After that I'd start at the scource componets down, my search took me IC then to pc, and yes the pcs made one hell of a difference (see my reviews of Beast and Polestar pcs) now I have new speaker cables ordered (IMO the last link in the chain). I agree that the cost factor is a major concern and I find myself searching for the gems that are far away from the $5,000 pricing but, provide netural presentation without coloration.
Well, I'd say power cords.

Because without them none of your gear would power up.