Acrolink in-wall cabling?

I am in the process of running two dedicated circuits for my equipment. I will be upgrading the receptacles possibly to Oyaide SWO Series. Is there sonically a difference with the Acrolink in-wall cabling vs. 10/2 Romex? The Acrolink is quite expensive at $30.48 per ln. foot x 72 total ln. feet needed = $2194.00. I may be wrong but I believe the amount would be better invested in equipment and to just purchase 10/2 Romex. Is there a higher grade of Romex, or is the jump to better cabling that dramatic? I don't want to get too crazy with all of this but I do understand that with purer copper the better the sound. Thanks...Joe
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IMO, $30.49/foot for in-wall wire is insane, but so are 24k gold bathroom fixtures, and plenty of folks own those, so...

Maybe some of the money you save buy installing Romex could go to the victims of Hurricane Katrina?

I'm getting off my soapbox now.
In my experience, all you need is 10-gauge solid-core Romex. That's what I and many of my audiophile friends use, and it works perfectly. Some people whose opinions I trust implicitly have tried experimenting with "boutique" in-wall cables like Virtual Dynamics and JPS, and they say that solid-core 10 gauge is still the way to go. And for many of these people, money is NO consideration. The fact that they still go with the Romex speaks volumes to me.
I might recommend using just a good 10 ga. Romex as Hooper suggests.
The greatest improvements will come from investing your money in the Oyaide outlets perhaps even with the Acrolink wall plates and power cords with Acrolink connectors. Absolutely the best sounding I have ever heard.

Michael Wolff