Acrolink in-wall cabling?

I am in the process of running two dedicated circuits for my equipment. I will be upgrading the receptacles possibly to Oyaide SWO Series. Is there sonically a difference with the Acrolink in-wall cabling vs. 10/2 Romex? The Acrolink is quite expensive at $30.48 per ln. foot x 72 total ln. feet needed = $2194.00. I may be wrong but I believe the amount would be better invested in equipment and to just purchase 10/2 Romex. Is there a higher grade of Romex, or is the jump to better cabling that dramatic? I don't want to get too crazy with all of this but I do understand that with purer copper the better the sound. Thanks...Joe
Ag insider logo xs@2xproclaim123
Thank you to all who have written in starting w/ Tvad. Even though I agree w/ Tvad that the $$'s could be spent wisely with helping out the Katrina Victims this is not the forum for that.
Lets not unrightly judge each other especially when it comes to preferene, thats a non winning debate. The reasoning for this question is strictly for the better option for a dedicated run. At one point there will be an inferior power source wether it be at the panel or receptacle. For the approx. 200 $'s for Oyaide receptacles and possibly even the carbon damponing plates (upon further study)using 10/2 Romex may be the way to go.
Is there a higher grade Romex without getting carried away. If money was not a problem then why not go dedicated back to the power plant? Realisticly speaking there needs to be a starting point. I feel that the extra $$'s could be invested elsewhere, which already have been.
Thank you all for your input and even more would be appreciated...Joe
Note that I suggested that it would be appropriate to use the expensive in wall wiring *after* installing a power regenerator at the panel. Otherwise whatever grunge is present at the breaker panel is only going to be more faithfully reproduced at the outlet.

I appreciate your pride in having spent a great sum for wire to place inside your walls. I just don't believe that is the best way to get pure power to your rig unless you have a pure power source. If your house is supplied with perfectly clean power and your appliances are not introducing any noise back onto the home wiring, then your application may benefit for a $4000 run of AC conductor. For the vast majority of people who take their power from the public mains, they would do better to spend that $4000 on a few regenerators like the PS Audio Power Plant and some good PCs.
You're right Proclaim123. When it comes to disposable income, everyone should be free to dispose of it as they see fit without the outside pressure of conscience.

As with all things in high end audio, much of the benefit lies in one's perception of value. If the performance gains of $30+/foot in-wall wire are perceived as valuable, then one should buy it .
Unfortunately, or may I add possibly fortunately I do not have an unlimited source of $$'s. If we all did It may have a tendency to get us into trouble. I might add that we would have some awesome equipment. Since the Acrolink is that expensive, I have not nor will be purchasing it. Just wondering if there is a better solution than just Romex at a blue collar dollar. Thanks again...Joe
Joe....the Romex and/or Handiwire can be cryo-treated (I perform a double-treatment on cabling, wall receptacles, and other electrical parts....of course, this methodology is for another discussion), which will greatly increase the performance of either less-expensive choice for in-wall wiring. That will work out to between $1.50 and $2.40 per foot (for either a single or double treatment), far less than the Acrolink solution. Proper cryo-treatment is a cost-effective and permanent enhancement, and certainly a good choice over stock wiring.