No nonsense Power Strip

I have and old home and unfortunately I am limited to one outlet. I need a non-current limiting, non-filtering, non-conditioning power strip with no sonic signature. Can you help?
Ag insider logo xs@2xbrett11
Audioparts Inc has one for auction here in the power cord section. Can't speak to the unit nor the seller but its another choice. Chris Hoff @ BPT also makes one that received a good review (if those things make any difference to you). It comes with or without filtering, etc. and can be found in the "AC" listings here @ A-gon. Blue Circle Audio also makes one as does Gutwire but I don't know if their respective units have "filtering" or not nor am I aware of their prices.
The PS Audio juice bar is about the no nonsense power strip as your going to get and it allows you to use a good power cord to connect it and of course there is the DIY way but for the price of a used juice bar why DIY.
Although I live in Italy, I have all my units powered with american male plugs power cords (Virtual Dynamics) directly connected into a Ps Audio Juice Bar and it works great!
Transparent Audio's strip is the Best one out there right now. Destroys the Michael Wolff and Monster Audio's strip /conditioner.