audiogon members or dealers

just want to know who you would rather deal with?A member with a good rating ,or a dealer.I bought a set of cables in september,with a warrenty,and sent them back to get repaired,they set in his store for 2 weeks and then he shipped to the company who made them,they have been at the company since dec,and after i was told they were going to be shipped friday ,they call me and say they dont have the product to repair point is every thing i bought from a member,has worked out great, if there was a problem it always got worked out..but with dealers,its always a run around.and the company who makes the cable is huge,and very well known, i guess thats why dealers in this hobby are hurting.poor service.but at 40 years old the girl at the electic company makes me mad
Very discouraging to hear this. As a 20 year customer you deserve better. They should have sent you a new pair no questions asked.
My favorite dealer never gives me a hard time if something is broken or defective he doesn't send it to the company he just gives me a new one. He is Stephen Monte at Quest for Sound an Audiogon dealer- a great guy to deal with.
well i finally got my money returned,the cables i bought from dealer was demos well the company that makes cables dont repair demo cables under warrenty,and the dealer was slow to tell me that,about 60 days late,the company who makes the product offered to make it right, and i will take him up on it,as with the dealer,well he did refund my money after,letting them sit in his shop for 2 weeks after i shipped to him,and ran me around another 2 weeks,so i think its alot better to buy from members than dealers,i think if you look at my ssystem you can figure what cable i have the most of,and my feedback should give you idear what dealer i used
Deal with members when buying used.
Buy directly from the manufaturer when buying new.

This is the best scenario for buying used and new.