power cords

do they make a big impact on video? say for a dvd player or plasma dsiplay...
metro04 everyone has been through all these arguements. You are simply wrong. It doesn't matter at all what happens for the first 100 miles of cable, the last six feet or sixty feet make a cost effective difference in the quality of the sound or the picture. Everyone that has tried it agrees.

Maybe you can write up a little thesis about your experience and show the rest of us how our EXPERIENCE is wrong.

I know serveral electrical engineers and electricians who argued the theory the whole time we discussed but have replaced their cables, outlets and PCs since hearing the difference.

Classic defense! There is science behind everything that happens, for which you've yet to explain how these so-called hi-tech cables perform. Common sense says you're wrong. I can't even begin to speculate on the amount of blind panel testing done where so-called "seasoned" audiophiles fail to tell the differences. I'm sure psychology majors have a clinical term for this kind of blind belief.
Metro04, give it up! You will never convince those who have 'heard the difference', when 'seeing is NOT believing'.
There is science behind everything that happens
Science is nothing more than today's best estimate, and it is often proven wrong. That's why it's called common sense, until the point that it is rendered uncommon by those scientists who know there is far more to learn than what is already "known". If you can't hear a difference in power cords, good for you. It doesn't change the fact that there is a vast difference between them.
Is this the same 'common sense' when most people think that heavier objects fall faster than lighter ones? Or that AC flows in only one direction and therefore the wire to the negative should be of different material than the positive?
Bob P.