Anyone settled in on Purist Aqueous interconnects?

I am interested in these interconnects. Has anyone out there used them and actually given them time to break-in? I know the break-in time is significant (200 hours) and was hoping someone might have some perspective on them after this break-in time. I actually have the new Aqueous Anniversary bi-wired speaker cable and love them. So, I was thinking synergy with the aqueous interconnects??!!
I have used them for over a year now in conjunction with Purist Audio Venustas. Boa2's description is very good. I like the Aqueous/Venustas combination. I didn't care for the sound of two paris of Aqueous ICs in the same signal chain...too detailed and not enough warmth. The Venustas have a touch of coloration which is absent in the Aqueous, IMO. I tend to like a little color to suit my taste.

There is a fair amount of discussion in the threads about the characteristics of these ICs.
I'd be curious about these too. I tried the speaker cable recently(thanks for your contrib Boa2 on that thread I opened) and thinking of borrowing a whole set again after new years to try as a system. Really liked the sp cables though...they are very dynamic with excellent drive and slam. In this department they sure beat my AU24 speaker cables. And they worked great with my AZ interconnects, but I am curious if there will be more synergy with PAD Anniv Aqueous ICs as well. Jppenn, if you happen to try these, please let me know what you think. thanks
I tried the Aqueous balanced interconnects between my wadia cd player and my ayre amp. I thought the cable had some nice qualities but after about 200hrs break in and listening to some other cables, I felt that it was more of a band-aid product than a neutral one. The top end seemed to be rolled off to such an extent that some of the music was lost. This may or may not be a big deal depending on your system. Also, and more importantly, there was a roughness in the high freq. that is sometimes associated with copper cables. The other cables I compared this cable to are the cardas golden ref. This cable lets a lot more information pass at all freq. but does not have roughness in the treb. My AQ jag and panther (both copper) are also very smooth and clean from top to bottom but lack the scale of the cardas. I do not know a lot about pruist but I think that if they made a similiar design in silver, I would have liked it better in my system.

01-02-07: R1g_audio
I tried the Aqueous balanced interconnects between my wadia cd player and my ayre amp... The top end seemed to be rolled off to such an extent that some of the music was lost.

That's very interesting. I have found exactly the opposite to be true in my system using RCA Aqueous interconnects.

Also, and more importantly, there was a roughness in the high freq. that is sometimes associated with copper cables.

FWIW, Purist Audio Aqueous interconnects are constructed with a mix of gold and copper wire.

In my auditioning of interconnects, I have found no universal correlation between roughness in the treble and copper wire, or with silver wire. I have heard treble roughness in interconnects constructed of only silver wire, and in interconnects constructed of only copper wire.
This wire still seems to have a polarized opinion associated with it. I tried it a year or so ago and thought it was almost unlistenable..... And I am a huge fan of Purist products.

I borrowed from the Cable Co. and was assured they were burnt and broken in. In comparison to my AQ, Purist Venustas and the Cardas cables on loan I too thought the Aqueous was rolled off..... Don't know, maybe I should give them another try. It was almost like they were broken.... Then again. how the heck do you break a cable?
