"romantic" sounding cabling

Hi folks, it is probably a contradictio in terminis thing in audio, but I'm looking for audio cables (interconnects, power cords) that have a touch of romantic flavour to their sound, that means a bit soft and elegant character, somewhat subdued (not edgy) highs, but with excellent resolution and good imaging (not diffuse). They should not be the über expensive cables like Purist Audio Dominus or Nordost Valhalla. Could Kubala-Sosna Emotion be a contender? Thank you in advance.

Cardas GRs seem to have a bit of a softer more romantic sound in my Exemplar/Teres- VAC- Joule - Merlins system, if that's what your looking for.

it is impossible to give advice with the requirements that have been presented. if a component is somewhat soft and subdued, but detailed, how detailed and how soft ?

by soft do you mean an attenuation in the highs ? if so some resolution will be lost.

i suggest rasking for suggestions for cables that attenuate the high frequencies, without including a requirement regarding the issue of detail.

having owned cardas cable for yours, including golden hex 5 c, hex 5 c, golden cross and twin link, i think one would have to refer to the original hex link to attain a significant loss of high frequency energy.

as a reviewer who has auditioned and reviewed many sets of cable products, i am not aware of any interconnects or speaker cable that attenuate the high frequencies.

it is possible that there is some power cords that will do this, but it is so subjective.

i would say that it best to listen to all cable that you can afford and judge for yourself. borrow as many cables as you can and draw your own conclusions.

no one can tell you what is soft sounding, including the best intentioned audiogon members.
I believe your question, in part, stems from your front end. Accuphase, in my experience only, has a pretty aggressive sound. Cardas Golden Reference will move you in the direction you want to go. Cardas Golden Cross is quite veiled and would, IMHO, be a mismatch. Good luck.
Why not take any set of cables to a strip bar and pay a girl to dance with them around her body? May not be romatic but certainly arousing...