Which power cord more important?

I'm thinking of changing my stock power cords for my cd player and 100 wpc integrated for better ones...however, I might have enough just to change one of them for now....am I right assuming that the power cord for amplifier will make a bigger difference than the one for the cd player?
Paul McGowan from PS Audio advises to use the best power cord closest to the source of your AC. So if you are using a power conditioner, the "best" power cord should go from the wall outlet into the conditioner. That allows the most efficient power delivery into the conditioner that feeds the rest of your system.

Considering what to do with a CD Player and Int. Amp., use good quality cords on both. Use the cable with the largest gauge conductors for the amp and smaller gauge conductors for the CD Player as it demands much less current to operate optimumly IMHO.
Sidssp,the pc's on my amp and cdp were getting loose on the iec end so I tried the PS Audio's.I like them for the reasons stated in my first post.
All of the above advice, I think, is valid. The only thing I would ad is that power cords do not always make a better difference; a lot of times they do more harm than good. Also, when picking between one of your two components to do the cable upgrade, I would go with what ever component is weakest from a design standpoint. For example, if you have mass market sony or denon universal player and a roland or ayre int amp, the source would be the weaker component by design and would get the cable. The amp in this case would already have some power conditioning built into the product so the need would be not as great. It is a vague example based on the variety of the components out there but I think you can get the basic idea what I mean
The weakest design is the one depended on PC or interconnect quality.
The small manufacturers of audio equipment hide behind "clarity, transparency and simplicity", but in fact filtering and delivering clean power on the component level seems to be quite complex especially for the amatures.
The bottom line is that there's quite a number of devoted and hobbyists along with business given to more 'enterpreneurs' in high-end audio market with cable business in particular.
You should try to demo before you buy. I just demoed over a three week period a shunyata diamondback and a ps audio perfect wave ac10 on my Plinius 9200 integrated and my Naim cd5i-2. All i can say is, both these cords did nothing for my system. Maybe they needed more break in time but, i could not keep them any longer, i had to return them to my dealer. I am not saying power cords don't do anything, it's finding the right one.