Interconnect for sweet, silky violin sound

Yes, I know, component interactions and all that sort of stuff. But maybe that can be set aside for now. Can anyone, mainly you classical violin fans, recommend an interconnect(RCA)that assists in primarily presenting the sound of the violin as easy,silken and sweet as opposed to bright,peaky,wirey,thin and acidic? I realize every register of this instrument isn't just one way or the other, but there are plenty of components out there that just can't get the violin to sing the way it does at a live concert. I'd just like an honest facsimile. Kind thanks for any assistance here.
I listen almost exclusively to classical. . . with a lot of small string chamber ensambles. Try the Furutech Evolution II wires, for highly neutral and musical sound throughout the frequency range. Audioquest Sky may even exceed these Furutech in extension and sweetness of treble, but become less well defined starting from lower midrange downword. See my Furutech Evo II review on Positive Feedback Online at:
Not meaning to sound coy, or arrogant, and understanding that you're not wanting to get into the whole component thing, but you have to understand, as I'm sure you do, that you are essentially listening to attenuated juice courtesy of your local utility. As such, there is a path followed from wall to speakers, with each component along that path having profound affect on the voice of those violins. I believe it would be most helpful to people looking to provide additional valuable suggestions (as I have been lucky enough to receive here on more than one occasion) if you provided some more info about your system. The issue may lie anywhere along the path, including your listening space.

Happy Listening!
I listen to a lot of violin also. I love the Tara Labs RSC line of cables. The Master Generation-2 does a great job for me, but if you really want silky sweet strings, go with the Reference Generation-2, although not quite as transparent as the Master Gen-2. If you have a deeper pocket -go up the RSC line.