I have an Accuphase E450 connected to a Metronome CD3.
I understood that the Accuphase XLR connection is different than the XLR connection in the Metronome.
Pin# 2 is (-) and pin# 3 is (+), while in American and European products pin #2 is (+) and pin # 3 is (-).
I have a standard XLR cable - What the solution to this mismatch? (accept going RCA)
The one comment I would have is that by reversing the connections of the main speakers, for HT mode you have changed the phase relationship between sub and main speakers, by 180 degrees. If bass performance in HT mode was satisfactory to begin with, you may now find that you are getting some bass reduction or cancellation in the crossover region between sub and mains.

Perhaps the sub has a 0/180 degree phase reversal switch, or a continuous phase adjustment provision, in which case you can use that adjustment to keep the sub and mains in phase.

Best regards,
-- Al
Yes, the sub has a phase reversal switch. and I will check this issue when I get to watch a movie :)
Guys I am having the same issue too, where I am connecting my Meridian G08.2 to my Accuphase PRE-AMP,,,, I am getting that XLR phase invert issue, What about if I used the phase invert function on my pre-amp will that work better?

Or go directly to the speaker end and change the phase there is easier?
(my friend told me that it might cause other issues is that true? )

Any suggestions? Thank you.
Jacksonkuo -- The only downsides that I can envision that would result from interchanging the + and - speaker connections would be:

1)Other source components, if you have any, would have their polarity/absolute phase reversed, if they do not have the same xlr pinouts as the cd player, or if they are connected via rca's.

2)If you have a separate subwoofer, you would be changing the phase relationship between mains and sub by 180 degrees. If the sub has a 0/180 switch, you can easily compensate for that.

The sonic effects of the phase invert function on the preamp would be dependent on the design of the particular preamp. I would expect those effects to be either very subtle or non-existent in most cases.

-- Al
I saw many posts which say the same as Almarg:

" I would expect those effects to be either very subtle or non-existent in most cases."

In my system the effect of inverting polarities is considerable in the bass region and the overall sound is warmer for the better.

Jacksonkuo, as I understand using the phase invert in your pre should do the work.
Could you give your impression on the effect in your system when inverting the phase?