speaker cables for Wilson Sophia

Other than transparent and MIT cables for Wilson Speakers, what other cables are you guys using w/ your Wilsons ?
Is it also determined by the amplifier being used ?

Thanks for the inputs.
My friend with a pair of Sasha uses Cardas Golden Reference. I do also with Spendor S 100s and another friend uses it with AvauntGuard horns. The first uses Lamm, I use a CJ 350 SS, the last uses some exotic Brazilian tube amps so the GRs work with a wide variety of speakers and amps.
The very best that I EVER heard a Sophia sound was with Synergistic Research Tesla speakers cables at the 2009 CES. YMMV
If the amp struggles power wise with the impedance dip of the Sophia from 150k-450k some cables may highlight the treble, be ultra clear and not be very fleshed out at all . I'm trying Cardas Golden Reference S/C's and I/C's and so far am happy with the results. I'm learning/hearing the placement of the Sophias balancing the bass with the mids is of equal importance in dealing with the impedance drop. With a powerful enough amp the choice should be easier.
I used Acoustic Zens Holograms and it worked out well. I would think Audience would be another good brand to try.