Add small pigtail wire off negative out of amp.WOW

A great tweak that is completely free (if you have bits of spare wire laying around)
Add a small pigtail of wire to the negative five way binding post of the amp. just hanging off the post, not connected at the other end to anything.
Works. Some implementations work better than others, but the result is greater clarity, and better lower frquencies.
How this works is ???
Anyway, for those who do not want to take a risk of doing something off the wall themselves, a low priced version is avalable from EVS for $30 a pair.
(Electronic visionary Systems Ground Enhancement Accessory)
A few other companies make a similar product.
(I have no affiliation with EVS, and mention them ONLY because the product is not overpriced, and is basically a small tweak, at a fair price for it.)
My own attempt has led me to making clusters of Ferrites with wires sprouting out of the clusters. then a wire to the negative terminal of the amp. and a similar single ferrite with the wire sprouting at the negative terminal of the speakers.
I find more stuff off the end of the wire 'helps' for my particular setup.
Anyway. If you can find a way to do this tweak, and if you have a pretty good setup, you may find it is a great tweak. And dirt cheap too.
My cost for my complex adaptation is for the Ferrites $6.30 only, since I had the wire on hand as scrap. I used some bananas to stick the wires on the amp five way, but i had those laying around too.
Hi Liz ....I'm going to try your pigtail suggestion if you try removing your power conditioner. Lets tell all in a couple of days... Looking for your post....Stan
My second attempt, the first time was with mutple thin solid core wires twisted together.
This time a 14 guage single solid core copper wire (plastci coated) thru a ferite block at the mid point of the closed loop of wire terminated at the amp in a WBT spade for each negative post.

I can't hear any improvemnt,definitely not as good as adding the Walker Music links or Foundation Research LP1 , both Zoebel type networks to the speakers.

Amp- DecWare SE84ZS, speakers, Ref 3A Grand Veena.