Hrrmmm..What a difference..Now must move speakers


I was curious to know if anyone has ever experienced the following scenario:

You replaced an XLR cable or RCA cable between your DAC and your Preamp or your Preamp and Amp and the difference was so great or obvious, for the better, that it required you to have to reposition your speakers to take advantage of all the new found information being presented?

I will not name the brands of cable that this occurred with to avoid a proverbial pissing match but I will say that this happened to me recently and I found it very enlightening and scary at the same time as both brands are well known and respected in the cabling market and both are fairly expensive.

In my case I replaced a line level RCA cable pair with a Balanced XLR cable pair between my DAC and Preamp.

DAC is a BelCanto DAC3
Preamp is a Ayre K-5xeMP

Thanks for your input
yes I frequently have to change toe-in after a cable change to reoptimize soundstage.
Isn't the repositioning of the speakers a lot of the change you're hearing? Just curious.
You have introduced two variables that could lead to the sound difference you experienced a) RCA (single ended) to XLR (balanced) and b) cable construction. A better comparison would have been to change from RA to XLR of the same brand to see if you could notice a difference. IMHO, you are hearing more of a difference between RCA and XLR than the cable design.
Same old story,the variables in audio are so great we dont even know what many of them even are, making this an expensive hobby as trial and error is the only real route.
By changing from rca to xlr, you have changed the configuration of the dac's output circuit that is being used, the configuration of the preamp's input circuit that is being used, gains and signal amplitudes (and therefore presumably volume control settings), susceptibility to ground loop effects, susceptibility to pickup of low level noise, output and input impedances, and probably the relative amplitudes of some harmonic distortion components. The make and model of the specific cables have nothing to do with any of those things; they are just one more variable among many.

Definitely an apples to oranges comparison, as was said above.

-- Al