compare different grades of Audioquest cable

Anybody listened to various Audioquest cables and come up with opinions about the differences as you go up the line? Particularly as you go up the various Rocket cables, and to Rockefeller, Gibraltar, and Comet. Where is the sweet spot in the line in terms of bang for buck versus diminshing returns?
Also we would be talking about the revel salon 2 speakers if anyone has opinion about these speakers and audioquest cable
I've said this before...the only way to know how a cable sounds is to listen to it in YOUR system. All cables sound different connected to different components. In MY system, Audioquest Sky/Everest was a terrific combination, but the Audioquest Signature series WFL Signatures, were absolutely many times the cost of the Sky/Everest. Go figure.
Thanks for your input. I will have Audiogon close down the cable forum because it serves no useful purpose.
I have no experience with Revel except hearing the Harmon demo trailer with the Levinson/Revel setup. It was very good by the way. They had the top Transparent cabling throughout. As far as your Revels with any AQ cabling goes IME AQ cables are neutral IMO and should not change the character of your gear.
I've used AQ cables for over 20 years. Currently using 10' runs of Type 8 for speaker (AQ bananas on the amp end, AQ spades on speaker end), a VDM 5 silver coax from a Squeezebox to the DAC, a VDM 3 coax from the CD player to the DAC, King Cobra RCAs from my phono preamp, and Diamondback XLRs for DAC to pre, and pre to power amp. All sound great, and look like bungee cords.