Speaker cables comparison chart:: Much Needed

One of the problems in finding speaker cables for a system,is trying to determine first, what manufacturer model lines are approx equivalent in price, performance, and compatibility with speakers. For example, a friend hardily recommends Transparent Audio's Music Link Super, or one step down, Music Link. Nordost offers a similar model line up in their new LS series: Purple Flair, Blue Heaven, and Red Dawn....pricing is almost similar. Last is Kimber Kable speaker cable which offers a 4TC, 8TC, 12TC. Unlike the Red Dawn, the 12TC is much less expensive and equivalent in price to Nordost's Blue Heaven. KK's 8TC, Nordost's Purple Flair and Transparent Music Link are approx in the same price category.

The issue is which model of these brands provides the most bang for the buck, that is, transparency, musicality, and smoothness, and most importantly speaker compatibility. The Cable Company is not a viable outlet to evaluate these products Sometimes, they have neither the correct lenghts or terminations, nor model availablilty. Also,return shipping from Hawaii back to them is not cheap

Therefore, will appreciate comments and advice from members who have done a lot of speaker cable evaluation. Thank you
I had very poor results with some highly regarded (and expensive) speaker cables, like some brands that you mention.
I have very good results with Mapleshade, Nordost Blue Heaven (more forgiving than others), and Morrow SP2, in my two systems. I also swap in a Lowes extension cord cable when I want a bit darker sound.
Who said speaker cables don't make alot of difference? I disagree. I think people don't want them to make much difference. Put in the Mapleshade and you'll be stunned.
Wires in my system:
A/C from dedicated 20mp outlet via four pairs of 12 gauge Mil Spec teflon silver plated dual quad twist about 35 feet to three duplex outlets. (one is split for one pair each side)
From those via Pangea AC9 power cords to:
1) PS Audio P600 (digital components only set to output 110hz A/C instead of 60Hz)
2) Furman REF20i(all other components)

All Pangea power cords except captive cords on CD changers..Various AC14SE and AC9.
My duplex are all stock heavy duty Pass & Seymour 20 amp

Speaker wires 4 ft Kimber 8TC biwired from Brystom 4B-SST2 to magnepan 3.6s

Pre to amp Kimber Hero balanced 7 meter

The others mostly homebuilt Mark Levinson (30 years old plus) wires with newish Vampire Tiffany style RCA. one Cardas, and a few KCAG Kimber. (the Mark Levinson wire has a sound similar to Cardas...)

Most of these wires I have owned for a long time. The Hero was bought 30 months ago so i could place the amp between speakers away from other electronics.
I bought the seven meter Hero primarily for price/value and it's reputation for neutrality.
I had recently reterminated the Mark Levinson wires.. Originally I had put Radio Shack RCA. (back in the early 1980s, not much else was around, and they had gradually been taken off as they developed ground faults from rotting solder on the grounds) I replaced with Tiffany style connectors as I like the way the ground is a pressure fit rather than a solder. Replacing the RCA really rejuvenated the wires. And they came out of the storage and back onto my system. (what went into storage are Nordost Blue heaven)

I have to state my 'wire philosophy' to keep it straight:
I agree wires make some difference. However on a theoretical side, the better way to spend money is on better electronics.

So I am fully in favor of the 10% 'ideal' price of wires to electronics ratio.
And actually, totally by chance, my wires are about 10% of what I paid for my equipment.
Adding in in the power conditioners adds in another 5% of total electronics. (The conditioner percentage is spread across video as well).. and well worth the cost)
I would say I am not as worried about wires as some folks here. But more concerned than another separate set of folks for whom wire is just wire.

And i also am into 'buy what is well regarded'. So Cardas, and Kimber are my favs. I dislike AQ for past QC reasons

And yeah i do think buying a reasonable wire well considered is best. Instead of trying dozens of "flavor of the day" crap. No problem to me for those who enjoy buying dozens of wires to see for themselves which one turns them on.
I am happy with what i have. The grass IS just as green right where i already am.
To Elizabeth, Thank you for explaining the make up of your audio system. I am sure it is a righteous sounding rig

To Sgsglx: If anything, you may have rekindled my interested in Mapleshade Audio speaker cable. There online photos and description of the speaker cables suck. If you should come back to the my thread. can you provide me a brief description of the overall quality of sound of the Golden Helix cable, esepcially regarding musicality or drawing one into the music. I am familiar with the sound of the Soliloquy speakers.....Audiogon keeps "promising" to restore the old system of off line communications which worked beautifully in their previous format I would not ask any member to divulge his home e-mail address on line. Thanks again to all, Jimbo
I'll try to post again when I get more time, but if you'll search for mapleshade in the cables forum you'll see some of my other posts about them. Pluses and minuses, but mostly pluses.
Sorry if I am stirring up a hornet's nest but in my system I consider wires components -- they are that important. My system -- and this cannot refer only to my system, IMO -- can be brought to its knees by inferior wiring. A system is as weak as its weakest link, IMO. I have spent 6 years researching this but I realize there are lots of people who have spent a lot more time on this. I don't particularly worry about what is "well regarded" although I have experimented with "well regarded" cables and do like some of them. In the end it comes down to what works best in my system. Since my system is unique I need to find out things for myself and not rely too much on the opinions of others.